Peter L. Dumont's Civil War Site Themes    
Bull Run

Bull Run was a significant battle to Peter, although it took place a week after he enlisted in August 1862, and before his regiment mustered in. He would have read about it in the newspaper.

Peter's regiment left New York State by train on October 11 for Arlington Heights, VA. On November 10-11, they marched 26 miles to Bull Run and saw the battlefield. Peter wrote:

- 'It was the most sickening sight I ever saw.... Our soldiers were never buried here at all.'

- 'They was throwed on the top of the ground, about a bushel of dirt throwed on top of them. Hands, arms, legs, head and feet stuck out from every grave...'

- 'We went to bed tonight thinking of the Horrors of Warfare and all its Dangers.'

Peter talked to soldiers who fought at Antietam in September and mailed Clarinda a relic they gave him. He made a beef bone ring for daughter Ida, and was upset when Clarinda thought it was human.
