Peter L. Dumont's Civil War Site Themes    

Dreams in Peter's letters reflected fond memories of home and family. Whether dreaming of their little daughter Ida, or of picking vegetables in their garden, or of helping Clarinda with chores, he took comfort in those happy domestic scenes. They were in stark contrast to the scenes of discomfort, despair, and death that surrounded him.

He also described his presentiments (premonitions) that he and Clarinda were going to be punished for lying about a family emergency so he could request a pass to go home on a furlough. The furlough was approved too late for him to go home.

In one of his last letters, apparently after Clarinda wrote about her nightmare in which he was not well, he reassured her that he was fine and that his own dreams often turned out to be the opposite. Foreshadowing his inability to get a furlough home and his ultimate death in battle, it seems his happy dreams of home turned out to be the opposite. But her nightmare came true.